Ana Balevic
http://www.imagineparallel.com Homepage of Ana Balevic, who is focused on novel approaches for design and implementation of parallel algorithms for data compression.
Bernhard Balkenhol´s home page
http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~bernhard/ Bernhard has analysed the Burrows-Wheeler transformation in his papers.
Sebastian Deorowicz´s home page
http://sun.iinf.polsl.gliwice.pl/~sdeor/ Sebastian is the author of the Weigthed Frequency Count algorithm (WFC) and an Assistant Professor of the Silesian University of Technology, Poland.
Mikael Lundqvist’s home page
http://www.geocities.com/mikaellq/ Mikael is interested in data compression, experimental electronic music and has written a BWT implementation, an improved range coder, a faster sort algorithm and a modified MTF scheme.
The former Mark Nelson´s data compression library
http://www.datacompression.info Unfortunatly, Mark´s famous site is not hosted by him anymore. The new owner is Visicron, a videoconferencing company.
A new data compression site with many links, granted by Mark Nelson. The editors of the site are: - Alexander Ratushnyak, - Eugene Shelwien, - Maxim Smirnov, - Dmitriy Vatolin, - Vadim Yoockin.
Kunihiko Sadakane´s home page
http://www.dais.is.tohoku.ac.jp/~sada/ Kunihiko has developed a very fast suffix sorting algorithm with logarithmic number of passes. He wrote his dissertation about suffix sorting
Vadim Yoockin´s page for his BWT compressor YBS and several comparison results
http://compression.graphicon.ru/ybs/ Vadim uses an interesting scheme for the comparison rating: the time required to compress a file, transmit it using 28000 bps connection and decompess it back.